
sábado, 5 de enero de 2013

ECO Proyects

ECO Proyects!

  As a part of ECO, we will present you some of the small proyects that are organized to be done soon. 


  On the Facebook site and also in the main page, ECO will be updating a small recopilation of everyday easy tips that make life easier. 

Together the words “life” and “hack” create a phrase that describe any hacks, tips and tricks that get things done quickly by automating, increase productivity and organizing.

 ECO wants people to also develop their artistic skills and be creative! Because of this reason, ECO will also organize several contests on photography, art, sculpture and different graphic arts. As well, ECO will provide artists some tips about "ecologic art", showing some examples of how to create things by recycling.

  Pictures will be available in the Photo Gallery. 

  ECO recognizes talent! If you prove to have talent, we will show it to the world and also offer the possibilit of selling your artwork.

ECO Entrepreneurs

  ECO entrepreneurs is a small proyect from ECO. The main goal of this is to create an idea of business on students of junior high and high school. ECO entrepreneurs will show students how to manage some situations,basic concepts of economy, vocal orientation and how students can plan a good future for themselves.

  ECO entrepeneurs is available for any student around the world that becomes an ECO member. We will constantly be sending information about scholarships for some recognized schools around the world, in case they are interested. Gathering more information about them depends on the student's intention. 
  For those schools that are planned so far in ECO, courses and talks will be given personally. As well, becoming a member of the site will allow them to get information about some of the scholarships.

Any extra information will be available on ECO's facebook site, on the main site or by contacting ECO via e-mail.

viernes, 4 de enero de 2013

What is ECO and the story behind it

Economy & Ecology:

  Also known as ECO is a small organization without the purpose of getting money but of showing people small actions that benefit human development, help to save money and also help to keep our enviroment.

  The base of this small group are the members; people the decide to join and help organize a few events for the community in general. ECO gives enough resources to let anyone from any part of the world become a member. Interested to join? Click here and become part of the group!

The Story of ECO!

  It all started as a school proyect for the subject of "Community Development". We were free to choose from different topics. I personally chose education. I personally believe that the solution for most (if not all) of the current problems in the world can be solved with a good education.
  As a first attempt, my  plan was to  focus on math and help out kids in elementary, junior high and high school giving some classes after school.
  On christmas break, I had the opportunity to visit Chiapas, Mexico: a place full of amazing waterfalls, enormous jungles, forests and a lot of culture. At the same time, I visited some places in Chiapas where people were killing all the beautiful nature around them. Because of this, I decided to focus on the ecology.
  Economy has alway been an interesting carreer for me to study when i reach university. I like doing research about the global economy in these times and therefore how does it affects several areas.
  By joining these ideas, I came out with a better idea: ECO. 

The making of the logo:

ECO logo came up by joining the two bases that ECO involves; ECOnomy and ECOlogy. It also includes three different colors which represent different things:
  Blue represents water, one of the most important things in nature, vital for life in any living thing.
  Green stands for plants and animals, the ones who live in the Earth, our home.
  Yellow in here means light, ths sun, without the sun life would be impossible.

The different fonts in "nomy" (completing the word ECOnomy) and "logy" (completing the word ECOlogy) have a meaning as well:
  The formal letters in "nomy" are for the math and social issues that the Economy itself involves. This is the part of ECO where the numbers and letters are used the most.
  The italics in "logy" represent how usually many plants grow; in a non straight way.